2020 Social Media Trends

Social-Media-Trends 2020: 4 important Facts

There’s no denying the fact that social media has grown to become an integral part of our lives. So much that we’ve even started setting aside dedicated time for checking our social media feeds.

Naturally, with so much inclination towards social, digital marketers haven’t been behind in utilizing this platform. Whether it’s the tech industry or fashion, every business today needs to use social media to succeed.

Trouble is, social media trends change at the drop of a hat. This makes it hard for marketers to make real connections with their customers.

To ensure you don’t have that same problem, here’s a lowdown on the top social media trends of 2020.


 Micro Influencing Is All The Rage

Influencer marketing is nothing new, but the turn of the decade has seen a rise in the number of micro-influencers. These are influencers with a smaller, but dedicated following.

Micro-influencers usually focus on a particular niche, and have a loyal fan following. This makes them particularly good for achieving targeted results on social media.  Also, they don’t charge as much as celebrity influencers, which is an added advantage.

Whether it’s YouTube, Facebook or Instagram, micro-influencers are everywhere. Your business will be a step ahead by putting them to good use.



Personalized Social Selling Is On The Rise

There was a time when social media was more of a platform for personal interaction. Today, it has morphed into a vibrant marketplace. Most social media users take to these platforms for deriving product information.


This makes selling on social media an enticing prospect. What’s more, social platforms are massive data generators. This allows marketers to present targeted, personalized ads to users. And this trend is only going to increase in the coming years.


 Vanity Metrics Are On The Way Out

Social media success used to be measured on the basis of bounce rates, session-times and similar vanity metrics. Today, things are slowly changing. With social media budgets increasing, the top executives are scrutinizing spends with greater attention.


This means that vanity metrics are no longer going to hold water. As a result, social media ads platforms are already redefining their analytics dashboards. With a greater emphasis on engagement, newer social media metrics are likely to emerge.


 Ephemeral Content Is Booming 

Ephemeral content is content that remains alive on social for a short time. Facebook and Instagram stories, and Snapchat videos are examples of such content. Story-content has been all the rage for the past few years, and this is expected to continue in 2020.

The reason this form of content is so engaging is the short consumption format. Attention spans are at an all time low, and this makes shorter content more easily consumable. Plus, due to their limited time-frame of existence, ephemeral content gets better engagement.


 Video Will Rule The Future

This is something which all of us are already aware of. Video is the new king in the content domain, and it’s going to reign for a long time. With more and more people opting to consume video content, there’s no wonder video will rule the future.

In fact, it’s estimated that over 80% of all online content will be video by 2022. This itself speaks to why you should be utilizing video for your business.


Final Words

If you want your business to succeed in 2020, then the above social media trends must be a part of your social marketing strategy. And Top Marcon can help you implement them with ease.


Our experts are well adept in all the latest social media trends and can make it simple to reach your goals. So, get in touch with us today, and we’ll take care of the rest.